Installing and Configuration of MySQL Standalone Server | Relational Database Management System

 In this post I'm going to discuss how you can start working with relational databases in your own system practically. Database Management System is really a very important subject in terms of GATE,University exams, placement, jobs,etc. So, It is better to have practical knowledge of databases with SQL.

SQL stands for Structure Query Language , I have already discussed about SQL in one of my post. So, MySQL is a DBMS, to work with database and we are going to discuss about it.

Installing MySQL

1. Go to Download MySQL Installer . This link is for window users, other users can download it's latest release from

2. Double click on downloaded setup, it will start installer . It will take only 3 minutes to download MySQL.Please make sure that you must have a good internet connection.

3. Select a setup type as seen in  image. You can choose as per your need but I would suggest that you should select Full because it contains all products needed for development including documentation. then , click on next.

4. This step list all products requirements. There is nothing you have to do if all requirements are satisfied by your system. If they are not available then simply click on  execute, it will install it for you. now, simply click next.

5. Now click execute in order to install all packages. This step will take some time to install these different tools/packages.

6. Downloading /Installing

7. In this step you have to configure your products as shown below in the image. You need to configure every product.

8. I will show configuration of MySQL Server and other configurations can be done by following instructions.

Configuring MySQL Server

1. Click on MySQL Server then press Next. Below given box appears. Now select Standalone MySQL Server and press Next.

2. Now configure Type and Networking as shown below and press Next.

3. Select authentication method as selected below and Click on Next.

4. Enter root password as per your choice and select roles or add users as done below. Click on Next.

5. Do as I did in below image then click on Next.

6. Change logging options as done below. Click on Next.

7. Enter following advanced options and Click on Next.

8. Click on Execute to apply configuration.

9. MySQL Server Configurations is completed! Click on Next.

Congratulations !!! You have successfully Installed MySQL.

Click Finish to finally complete your installation.

You get a MySQL terminal on installation from where you can write queries and get started working with DBMS.

It will be similar to following image- 

You can write your SQL Queries in this terminal and retrieve results. To know different SQL Commands you can view my previous blog on Structured Query Language

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