Installing and Configuration of MySQL Standalone Server | Relational Database Management System
In this post I'm going to discuss how you can start working with relational databases in your own system practically. Database Management System is really a very important subject in terms of GATE,University exams, placement, jobs,etc. So, It is better to have practical knowledge of databases with SQL. SQL stands for Structure Query Language , I have already discussed about SQL in one of my post. So, MySQL is a DBMS, to work with database and we are going to discuss about it. Installing MySQL 1. Go to Download MySQL Installer . This link is for window users, other users can download it's latest release from 2. Double click on downloaded setup, it will start installer . It will take only 3 minutes to download MySQL.Please make sure that you must have a good internet connection. 3. Select a setup type as seen in image. You can choose as per your need but I would suggest that you should select Full because it contains all products needed fo...