Tips and Tricks for declaring Variables
Tips and Tricks for declaring variables Declaring variables is not a easy task. It is a difficult and mind confusing task. So here, I am providing some tips that can help you to declare variables easily in C Programming. Always try to follow following points : 1. Every variable name must start with a letter(a-z , A-Z) or a underscore( _ ) 2. Never start a variable name with numbers,symbols,etc 3. A variable should not contains special characters like $ < * & ^ % #, etc 4. A variable can contain only digits,letters(it may be upper case or a lower case),underscore 5. Variables must be realistic and connected to real life problem, for example if you are writing a program for calculating total marks of student then use the variables like total_marks,etc 6. Do not use short,letter names. for example, to store student total marks don't use the variables like a,b,f,m,etc. they are confusing names. 7. Avoid ...