Design Methods | Process Of Software Development | Compilation
Design Methods Designing is the first step for obtaining solution of a given problem.The purpose of designing is to represent solution for a system.It is difficult to design a large system because the complexity of system cannot be represented easily. Some of the design methods are given below. 1. Top-Down Design Every system has several hierarchies of components.The top level represents the whole system. Top-Down design starts from top level component to lowest components.In this design method,the system is divided into some major components. Then each major component is divided into lower level components.Similarly other components are divided until the lowest level component. 2. Bottom-Up Design Bottom-Up design method is reverse of Top-Down design approach.It starts from the lowest level components to the highest level components. It first designs the basic components and from these basic components highest level components are designed. 3. Modular Approac...