
Showing posts from May, 2019

Design Methods | Process Of Software Development | Compilation

Design Methods Designing is the first step for obtaining solution of a given problem.The purpose of designing is to represent solution for a system.It is difficult to design a large system because the complexity of system cannot be represented easily. Some of the design methods are given below. 1. Top-Down Design Every system has several hierarchies of components.The top level represents the whole system. Top-Down design starts from top level component to lowest components.In this design method,the system is divided into some major components. Then each major component is divided into lower level components.Similarly other components are divided until the lowest level component. 2. Bottom-Up Design Bottom-Up design method is reverse of Top-Down design approach.It starts from the lowest level components to the highest level components. It first designs the basic components and from these basic components highest level components are designed. 3. Modular Approac...

Types of Programming Language | Language Translators

Programming  Languages  Before learning about c programming it is important to know about different types of programming languages and their specific features.There is always a change in scenario of popularity of programming language depending upon the need and simplicity of programmer. Programming language are classified into two types. 1. Low Level Language It is a machine understandable language.They are further divided in two categories. 1.a  Machine Level Language Computer can understands only binary digits which are 0's and 1's. So the instruction given to the computer can only be in binary code .Computer can only read binary code. So ,Every instructions must be in binary code i.e.. in the form of 0's and 1's. This Machine level language is difficult to understand this language by normal people. it is machine level language. also, this language is not in readable form. A machine level is more prone to errors and maintenance is high. Pro...

Data Types | Variables | Comments in C

Data Types  Data type refers to the type of data being used for variables ,functions, etc. A datatype defines a range of allowed values and the operations that can be performed on those values. Different data types have different representation structure in  memory. Types of Data types  1. Primitive datatypes or fundamental datatype or primary datatype 2. Non-primitive datatype (These include array , enum ,structure,etc they will be discussed later) or Secondary datatype There are mainly five type of Primitive datatypes 1. int   (it is used to store integers) 2.float  (used to store floating values of single precision) 3.char    (used to store single character) 4.double  (used to store double precision floating values) 5.void (it contains nothing) Type Qualifiers  Type qualifiers are used to define properties and properties of datatypes.these are of two types. 1. Size Qualifiers They are used to ...

Fundamentals of C Programming

Fundamentals of C Programming  Token Any individual entity in a c program is called as the token. There are five types of token. 1. Identifier - Identifier are the name given to any variable , function , macro, etc. They are genrally used to identify the parts of a program as suggested by its name. for example - the name given to any function ,variable,etc 2.Keywords - Keywords are the special words that convey a special meaning to the compiler.There are total of 32 keywords in C Programming. Some Of the Keywords are listed below : if             void       int           float     double       long        short      else    for           do          while      auto      char          ...

Writing Your First C Program

Writing Your First C Program #include<stdio.h>//line 1 #include<conio.h>//line 2 void main()     //line 3 {        //line 4 clrscr();   //line 5 printf("Hello World!! This is my first C Program");     //line 6 getch();      //line 7 }         //line 8 Explanation of Program line 1 : This line incude header file stdio(standard inut output ) which contains predefined function printf() and scanf(). # is a preprocessor directive and include is a command. line 2 : This line include header file conio(Console input output) which contains predefined functions clsrscr() and getch(). line 3 :This is main function or we can say a driver function .this is the part from where our program runs that is why it is also called as the driver function. Every code of a program ,directly or indirectly,comes inside the main function. void used in front of main function ...